Monday, November 23, 2009

CONSTANCE AMIOT Rendezvous de novembre

Pourquoi faut-il que l’on fasse des promesses
Je te jure que le temps les renverse
Il emporte avec lui les plus belles images
Dévalise les saisons comme on tourne les pages

J’aimerais récolter les plus belles histoires
En plaquant des accords sur le manche de ma guitare
Mais le temps qui de temps en temps oui le temps qui brille
Comme une étoile

Pourquoi traduire les mots les plus tendres
Toucher du bois quand on manque de bol
Pour adoucir le mois de novembre
Les volets qui claquent et les détails qui clochent

Et le temps qui de temps en temps oui le temps qui brille
Comme une étoile

J’aimerais emprunter le chemin des rêveurs
Ajuster mes adieux à des « au revoir »
A bientôt rendez-vous aux couleurs de l’automne
Essayons d’être heureux du moins jusqu’à ce soir

Mais le temps qui de temps en temps oui le temps qui brille
Comme une étoile
Le temps qui de temps en temps, le temps qui brille
Oui le temps qui de temps en temps, oui le temps qui brille (x3)

Les jours s’abritent dans les manteaux d’hiver
Et dispersent dans le vent, tout ce qui dure
Pourquoi faut-il que l’on fasse des promesses
Ceux qui s’endorment comme des toiles accrochées sur les murs

MICHELLE'S TRANSLATION (one found online is inaccurate)

Why is it that we make promises ?
I swear that time reverses itself
It carries with it the most beautiful images
Robs the seasons as you turn the pages

I would like to gather the best stories
By plating agreements on the neck of my guitar
But time, from time to time, yes time that shines
Like a star

Why translate the most tender words?
Touch wood when you miss the bowl
To soften the month of November
The shutters banging and details that are wrong

And time, from time to time, yes time that shines
Like a star

I would like to borrow the path of dreamers
Adjust my farewells to a "goodbye"
Soon return to the colors of autumn
Try to be happy at least until tonight

But time, from time to time, yes time that shines
Like a star
Time, from time to time, yes time that shines
Yes, time, from time to time, yes time that shines (x3)

The days shelter themselves in the coats of winter
And disperse in the wind all that lasts
Why is it that we make promises
To those who sleep like fabrics hung on walls ?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Google Messes Things Up Good

Here is the original link which prompted this story:

I don't know if you go searching through music lyrics the way I do (I use Google to search a music lyric at least every day, and usually multiple times in a day). What is it I prefer to get in my search? First, a lyric that has the right words, that's key.

But after that, all I want to do is go there, copy the lyric and post it in whatever it is I'm working on. Simple cut and paste. I don't sell it or repurpose it or do anything nefarious with it.

Increasingly (I've been doing this for at least five years now with regularlity), I find websites that will show you the lyrics, but they have something blocking the text so that you can't copy it (ie, it's useless to me). is one example. I used them all the time before. Now they are one of my last choices. So that was annoying.

Then, they increasingly started, more and more putting ads on the pages. Also annoying, but you could ignore them. Until the ads started having music videos in them, which started playing when you opened the page. Beyond annoying.

I want a simple experience: lyrics, copy, paste, done. No ads, no frills, no frou-frou nonsense. Don't want links to an artist's page (though if that helps me get truer lyrics, that's great). But I'm not looking to buy their music. I have other venues for that if I want to do that. All I want is bloody lyrics. That's all.

And I have noticed what this article talks about. First, it was things like last dot fm and Rhapsody creeping in. Sure you might be able to eventually get to the lyrics, but you have to subscribe and listen to the record first. Um, no.

There already were sites that I avoided because they were full of popups and did crazy things to my browser, even crashing it. I would learn to go only to the reliable sites (lyricstime dot com and sing365 are still pretty good) for that purpose. But increasingly, the wholle first page or even couple pages of searches are full of CRAP. Amazon and other music sites. All I want is LYRICS.

Do you get this people? If I don't get that, I go somewhere else for it. I don't wade through ads, or buy stuff just cause it's there. I go somewhere where my experience is hassle-free. Google really needs to learn this. And ESPECIALLY if none of the monies made here are going to the artist anyway. Can someone just do a lyrics site that doesn't bombard you with crap?