Saturday, May 6, 2023

Season 29, Week 6: No theme again and some major messups, but hey, Derek’s dancing! With Hayley!


For the record, I am ignoring commenting about all the Tyra Banks’ costume changes and lame (even painful) asides to contestants. She just bugs the crap out of me, and the less said, the better. And the lame scripted intros that they are attempting to do just mostly make me cringe. Ugh.

But let’s get onto the show, shall we?

Britt and Johnny, salsa 

Well, I don’t know about this song choice. Not sure about this salsa either. Seemed there were a few missteps and not enough bounce. I do really like Britt’s choreography, though. She is clearly trying so hard.

Derek: “First off, let’s talk about that costume. Holy moly! Listen: Miss Jennifer Lopez would be very proud. I love me some fringe. Coming off a week of getting two 10s, it’s really difficult. The expectation is high, there’s a little pressure on you. Overall, great way to start off the show.” Bruno: “Salsa has to have a much more grounded hip action. You tended to dance it all very lifted, so it changed. The style is not quite right. You have to use the floor and your hips a bit more in the salsa.” Carrie Ann: “The truth is, you win some, you lose some. This wasn’t your best dance for me. You had a slow start. Once you were side by side, I feel like then you found it, and it felt really good. I enjoyed watching it. Up until then, I felt you were very light on your feet, and not really confident. I wanna feel more earth in a dance like a salsa. I felt too little earth.” 

JUDGES: 22 (out of 30)

Jenna and Nev, jazz

They are dancing to a Marky Mark song, and Nev schools Jenna on the fact that “Marky Mark” is the same person as Mark Wahlberg. 

Personally, I didn’t like the song (“Good Vibrations”) or the dance. That opening pose though! :-0

Bruno: “It was deliciously bonkers. At times, I felt like I was in a rave in the ’90s. Then, I felt like I was loooking at “Fame,” you know, when they audition for Debbie Allen. I don’t know what it was, but it worked.” Carrie Ann: “I thought it was amazing. You threw in every single jazz step possible. Everything about that made me so happy, even though it was sort of a war of two worlds, with the music and the style, but it worked. You did it. Great job.” Derek: “Talk about Jazz 101. You were so clean. You guys were so together the entire time. I couldn’t stop laughing and smiling, in a good way.” 

JUDGES: 26 (out of 30)

Val and Monica, rumba

Just a beautiful rumba. Val’s choreography is just stunning. Really nice execution by Monica too.

Carrie Ann: “Wow! Wow, wow. There’s nothing more exciting than to watch someone come into their own. I know you’re amazing in the cheer world, but now you’re amazing in the ballroom world. Latin dance! That was so refined, so sensual, so in your power, and you are radiant. It was a beautiful rumba.” Derek: “Absolutely. There is a softness about you tonight. You can tell you’re really enjoying this. And when you’re enjoying it, we enjoy it. Also, your balance is so impressive. I loved your story, but I loved your rumba even more.” Bruno: “That was a classic rumba. What you did, you pitched it right. It had the right balance of sensuality and romance. Just right, and it wasn’t forced. Your face was inspired. And your lines, and your shapes, and your control.”

JUDGES: 27 (out of 30)

Alan and Skai, cha cha

I knew there was a reason I didn’t like Skai. And here it is. One of my pet peeves with this show is people who insist on doing other things (going on a world tour, headlining their concerts, studying at college, whatever) along with doing Dancing with the Stars. Apparently people don’t realize how difficult this can be, and think they can do many things at once. Well, you can’t. Something suffers. 

Like this cha cha, where she really lost focus. #NotAFan

Derek: “Skai, first of all, it happens to the best of us. It’s live, you just go out there. I have to commend you for carrying on. We saw there was a mess-up there. Things happen. There was really great moments in there.” Bruno: “He’s right. Accidents happen. The sections that you did well were actually much better than in Latin dances in the past. But there were a lot, a lot of mistakes. The choreography was very complicated. You handled it as best as you could.” Carrie Ann: “I’m really proud of you. It is not easy to find your way back from that. You really lost it in the middle there. You actually came back stronger than ever. What you performed was one of your better dances, because you looked so relaxed, because what is there to lose at that point?”

JUDGES: 18 (out of 30)

Peta and Vernon, cha cha

That suit! :-0 Dunno about this dance. Peta, as usual, works her butt off and has great choreography, but Vernon doesn’t do much for me.

Bruno: “The suit alone was almost hypnotizing. I had to squint to try to get the shapes. You have the right feel for the dance. You get into it, your timing is good.” Carrie Ann: “I don’t know how to say this, but I enjoy watching you dance. You’re very comfortable with yourself, which actually says a lot. It’s not easy with these movements to be comfortable. They’re very awkward. Anybody who’s done this show knows that. Your body’s in all these strange positions. But you have an ease about you that makes it very comfortable to watch. These were a lot of mistakes, so the scores aren’t going to be that great. But I wanna keep encouraging you.” Derek: “I would give you a 10 for joy, every single time. There’s a beauty about you. However, from a technical standpoint, it’s a cardinal sin in cha cha, with heel leads, and a little timing issue. But when you turned Peta, it is so smooth, so powerful, so strong.:

JUDGES: 21 (out of 30)

Daniella and Nelly, Viennese waltz

Nelly and Daniella dance the Viennese waltz to a Tim McGraw song, “Humble and Kind.” It was very pretty. 

Carrie Ann: “Excuse me? I’m without words. There’s something so beautiful happening. The way you expressed your hands, the fluidity. One of the most beautiful things about this show is getting to see different layers of people we thought we knew. Who are you that you Viennese waltzing, hip hop mega mogul? What is happening? There is such beauty in storytelling. It was a beautiful, elegant Viennese waltz.” Derek: “I don’t know how you felt during this dance, but for me, the softness and awareness of your body, and being a good partner to Daniella is incredibly masculine. It truly is. It’s beautiful to see, and beautiful to watch. Honestly, that was wonderful.” Bruno: “You’ve never been more charming and endearing. It was so nice to see you so inspired. There was a gentleness of touch that was so good. You treat your woman like your goddess.”

JUDGES: 24 (out of 30)

A beautiful paso doble dance break by Derek Hough and his love, Hayley Erbert (whom I really miss as a dancer on this show).  

The whole thing was almost ruined by Tyra’s schoolgirlish reaction to this beautiful, moving piece.

Brandon and Jeannie, rumba

 Love the costumes. Also loved this rumba. Am loving Jeannie more and more as a competitor. 

Derek: “Jeannie, that was such a sensual, and… that was really really good. Your legs were so straight and over your foot. It was so good. Really well done.” Bruno: “So much passion. You see, rumba you can play it many different ways, but you have to do it right. And you have the uncanny ability to transform your character with every dance. It’s all about passion.” Carrie Ann: “You are stunning. What is so exciting about you is how much you get every single thing you do, you dance at your edge, and for women, that is really powerful. People that go right to the edge. I salute you, sexy. You’re obviously a fighter.”

JUDGES: 25 (out of 30)

Cheryl and AJ, samba

Wow! I loved this dance. Cheryl’s choreography is always spot on, and she does hit that camera every time. LOL AJ doesn’t have quite enough samba bounce, but it was a very fun dance.

Bruno: “Oh my God. Don’t be sorry—just do it! You’re solid. You always deliver. You’re always on time. Your performances are always strong. You did a very good samba. You even managed to put some bounce into it. Very difficult sections. Well done.” Carrie Ann: “Finally! I feel like that was such a breakthrough performance for you. You got just enough outward, and downward and forward. You just had the right balance, cause sometimes you dance a little small. We love watching you.” Derek: “When in doubt, shake it out. And you shook it. It was so much fun to watch. You had a great bounce in there. Samba’s a tough dance. But you made it look easy, my friend. I loved it.”

JUDGES: 27 (out of 30)

Gleb and Chrishell, contemporary 

Chrishell dedicates this dance to her parents who both recently passed.

Carrie Ann: “I’m sure (her parents) are both watching over you and are very proud of you. You poured your heart and soul into that dance. I could feel you, I could feel all your emotions. Emotions are one of those things that when you add it to a dance, it creates this X factor, and it makes it more exciting. This was about the story, and I felt it. We all did. Thank you.” Derek: “You’re extraordinary. You’ve had a heck of a year, to put it mildly. And you are coming out here with joy, with light. I commend you on that so much. I love when you add that intention into a dance. You really feel that. We felt it. Everybody at home felt it.” Bruno: “Oh my darling. It was so emotionally engaging, so raw, so truthful. It’s irresistible because you gave everything you had. You throw everything you have into your performance. Of course, you’re not a contemporary dancer, so there are a few technical touches, due to the dynamics.”

JUDGES: 24 (out of 30)

Artem and Kaitlyn, samba

They make a big deal in the package about how Artem gratuitiously says “I’m sorry” all the time, so it’s kinda funny that they dance to this Justin Bieber song whose refrain is “I’m sorry.” I liked this samba. Lots of content. Fun to watch.

Derek: “Kaitlyn, I am sorry, because that was fantastic. Every arm is perfectly placed. Doing the proper samba hip action? I was like, “YES1” That was a clinic of a samba.” Bruno: “That really was a  first-class samba. You didn’t miss a placement. It was exquisite. She managed to make it look elegant.” Carrie Ann: “It was well executed. But I was not super impressed. You are an amazing dancer. It’s a competitive season. You wanna win? You need to give us more.”

JUDGES: 27 (out of 30)

Sasha and Justina, Viennese waltz

At this point in the competition, I was rooting for Sasha and Justina so hard. And this Viennese waltz was just gorgeous.

Bruno: “Tonight has been such a fantastic show. Exciting, surprising, inspiring. We never really thank the professional dancers that do such a good job teaching all these people over the weeks. You really come out with wonderful ideas. Sometimes crazy ideas. Sometimes sexy ideas. Love them all. And  you, my darling, still on the crest of a wave. Smooth as silk, light as a feather. Radiant. I love to watch you dance. You fill the floor with joy.” Carrie Ann: “Every time you come out on the dance floor, I know it’s going to be good. I know I’m going to feel good watching you. You are elegant, you are refined. There was more emotion than we’ve seen in this dance. You took it to another level. You are a beautiful dancer, and I love the joy you bring to all of us.” Derek: “Justina, you are so reliable. You’re very consistent. And your arms are so beautiful. You guys were perfectly in sync, which is really difficult to do with arms. Floating across a floor spotting your turns, gorgeous. Just wonderful.”

JUDGES: 27 (out of 30)

Who are in the Bottom Two?

Britt and Johnny or Peta and Vernon?

Peta and Vernon end up going home.

MICHE’s Favorites of Week 6

1. Sasha and Justina, Viennese waltz

2. Cheryl and AJ, samba

3. Val and Monica, rumba

4. Artem and Kaitlyn, samba

5. Daniella and Nelly, Viennese waltz

6. Brandon and Jeannie, rumba

7. Jenna and Nev, jazz

8. Britt and Johnny, salsa

9. Peta and Vernon, cha cha

Getting really sick of

1. Skai (classes, boo boo)

2. Chrishell


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